Wednesday we found Nutcracker in the library! I can't believe he found some caution tape to block it off. One of our friends was hoping that he didn't steal it from the police station. Maybe he just borrowed it. :) We inferred that he probably put it there so we wouldn't touch him on accident during Daily Five. What a silly little elf! Some of the kiddos thought that he should probably tame it down or Santa won't be bringing him any presents! One friend even asked me if I could move his color down. I love it! :)
Thursday he was hanging out by our evaporation experiment. Can you believe some of the water STILL hasn't evaporated! Oh my. Well, it looks like Nutcracker was mighty thirsty because he found a straw and was drinking out of our water bottle! Oh boy, these elves really are quite silly.
Friday we found Nutcracker in the middle of our room with all our stuffed animals from Read to Someone! They'd set up a whole rodeo scene, and he was pretending to be roping our caterpillar! He wrote us a note telling us how he really loved being in Texas, and he was just feeling the cowboy spirit... an elf after my own heart! :)
I can't wait to see what Nutcracker will be up to next week!

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