PebbleGo has even added a Social Studies section, so we were able to take a sneak-peek and learn even more about voting! Boy, do we love PebbleGo!
We discussed different traits that a president should have and why those are important. Then each student made a poster for the person in the class that they felt would be the best class president.
Then, we had an election for the children with the most nominations, and we were so excited to count our ballots and find that we had a tie!!! So we decided (as a democracy) that we would have co-presidents. I made sure that each president knew it was their responsibility to set a good example.
Some of our kiddos put in requests today to watch the live poll results, too, because they were so excited for Election Day. I am so proud of how in-tune they are with the election! I don't remember being this politically involved when I was in first grade, so I am very proud that they care about our country so much! :)
We'll have to tune in tomorrow to see who our president will be for the next 4 years. It's been such a popular topic of discussion, so I know we'll have lots to discuss tomorrow! :)
Luckily when I got to the polls today there was only about a ten minute wait! I was relieved. I'd been worried there'd be a huge line all day. I tried to get stickers for our whole class, but they were running out! That's a good thing, though, because that means we had a huge turnout! :)

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