Monday we began our monsters unit by reading Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak. This is such a fun book, and I find that even though they've read it 100 times, the students still absolutely love this book. We practiced "following the yellow brick road" again to retell the story. The students came up and practiced using sequencing words to tell the story from beginning to end.
We created a Circle Map to brainstorm what we know about making good choices. Then we used our map to help us write a letter to Max about making different choices. We talked about letter format and how to write addresses on an envelope. The kids loved that they'd be sending their letters to imaginary Max! :)
Tuesday we took a break from monsters to read The Chick and the Duckling so that we could make connections to the short u sound. It's so important for the kids to be connecting their phonics across the curriculum, so that they can see how beneficial it is to learn their sounds. After reading the story aloud, we retold it as a class and learned about using expression when we're reading. We discussed different kinds of punctuation - periods, commas, exclamation points, and question marks. We talked about what they look like, how they sound, and why authors use them. Then we read through the different letters using expressions. The kids enjoyed the lesson, and I think it really helped them to make those important connections.
Wednesday we read The Brave Little Monster and made connections to the text. We talked about times that we've been scared before and what we've done to stay brave. We also researched ducks on PebbleGo and created some pretty cute ducks using tracers. We took the information we learned from PebbleGo so that we could create a Tree Map then use that to create sentences about ducks. The kiddos did a wonderful job!
On Thursday, our Student Observer from UH did a great lesson on being good citizens and friends. She had the students create and sign a constitution, then they even said an oath so that they could ensure they'd be great friends. It was such a cute lesson! I was glad to see that the kiddos were in engaged and respectfully listened while she taught. I was a very proud teacher. :)
Friday we closed out our short u week by reading The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The story had a troll in it, so the kids realized it fit right in with our monster theme, too! We retold the story using beginning, middle, and end. Then a couple of us were adamant about "following the yellow brick road" so we made sure to make time for that, too. We discussed the importance of the setting in the story and created pictures of the setting. Using cut-out puppets, we retold the story then glued it all together. Unfortunately, I forgot to take pictures. :(
In Social Studies, we have been discussing leaders. Using Kidspiration, our class created a thinking web about leaders. We brainstormed different characteristics and examples. Some of us even thought it'd be important to add a key into our map, just like with real maps! I LOVE when we can make these connections! We then learned how leaders have different responsibilities based on the different places they lead. We created a leaders book and learned about the different leaders at home, school, and in government.
I also added a new anchor chart to our Calendar time. We have started using our problem-solving skills to work on number sense. We are thinking of all the different ways we know to write our "Number of the Day." It's been going great so far!
We finished off our science unit for physical properties and classification. One day, the kids brought in toys from home, and we came up with different sorting rules. A lot of the students came up with VERY creative rules. I was glad to see that they were using all of their senses when sorting. We came up with living/nonliving, hard/not hard, legs/no legs, turning parts/no turning parts, long/not long, real/make-believe, and various other rules.
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Rolls / Doesn't Roll |
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With Legs / With No Legs |
To finish a wonderful week, our class also earned an extra recess! As a whole grade level, we've been giving each class incentives for good behavior. The classes can earn up to 5 stickers a day - 1 for the quietest class before school, 1 for the quietest class before recess, 1 for the quietest class after recess, 1 for the cleanest lunch table, and 1 for the quietest class after lunch. This week, our class won with 11 stickers! I was extremely proud of my friends. The weather was gorgeous, so we got to go outside for an extra 20 minutes. :)
Can't wait for another fun week!

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