Tuesday we read The Sneetches then created a mobile to go with the story. We made sure to look at the rubric so we could get a 100 on our projects! These turned out great, and it really helped the kids start getting some good ideas for their projects.
Wednesday we read Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose and created a bookmark. We checked our rubric again, just to make sure we'd get a 100! I think the kids are really understanding what we're expecting from their Texas Readers' project. I've been very impressed with how well these projects are turning out.
Thursday we researched about Dr. Seuss himself. We read about him on PebbleGo and talked about what we knew about him from our prior schema. The kids knew quite a bit! I heard Mrs. Waterbury did an author study in Library this week, too. We sure love Dr. Seuss!
Friday we read There's a Wocket in my Pocket and made a page for a class book. We had fun creating fictional Dr. Seuss-like characters.
I can't wait for our Dr. Seuss parade next Friday. Parents are welcome to come! Our class will be dressing up as Thidwick. Please wear brown clothes (or any other moose-like colors if you don't have brown). We'll be making antler headbands and giant hearts in class to go with our outfits. I know we'll look great! :)
In science we finished up our seasons unit and started talking about weather. As a mini-assessment, I had the students draw a picture of a certain season. They had to draw the picture well enough so the class could guess their season by just seeing their drawing. This was very fun, and I was able to see who really understood seasons!
We also finished up our money unit this week. Here's a book that we made in class. It goes along with our money song that we've been singing. I hope your little ones have come home to teach you the song! It really helps them remember the values of the coins. Make sure you ask your kids about "hairy money" too. It helps them add up the values of the coins. We had lots of fun with it!
I'm very excited for next week. With Go Texan day last Friday and rodeo in full-swing, we are going to be starting our Texas unit (surprise, surprise it's my favorite!). We started working on some fun projects Friday and we'll be finishing them next week. They'll be on display at Open House, so I'm very excited for the next couple weeks! :)